Thursday, April 17, 2008

Free Bible Distribution

Cross-cultural ministry is at your doorstep.

Everyone in this world is in direct contact with someone who has a different cultural background from them and can do much about this.

I come from South Africa where we have 11 (that's right, 11) official languages and people who don't adapt to this multiracial situation drown. Here you cannot hold onto your own culture too stringently, which is an excellent way to smooth relations.

One way to reach out to others is free Bible Distribution.

1 - Never assume someone has a Bible in their own language or that they can afford one.
2 - Go out of your way to find out exactly which one they want and then you go and buy it for them. You will change the world more than anything.
3 - After you see the joy on their face at this random act of kindness, give them a list for 12 people they know to fill in for free Bibles in their own languages that you will supply as well.
4 - Make sure to get all their personal information and create a database.
5 - Once you have bought the 12 Bibles with your own money and given it to your distributor, give your distributor a study Bible or some kind of expensive Bible in their own language and you will have changed the world.
6 - Start again at 1 or carry on from 3.