Friday, December 11, 2009

A day off the bike again. It felt good to relax and not overdo it. I've seen some developments already in terms of fitness and weight loss, so I am going to try and keep it up.

I bought a PS3 game today called 'Dead Space.' It is pretty good and scary and it makes me realise how superb 'Ico' and 'Shadow of the Colossus' for the PS2 are. Well, those are gone now but I look forward to the next installment in the series: 'The Last Guardian.'

It felt great to finally be paid and to start strategising about gifts for people - one of my favourite things to do!

I also got a response from Franklin Graham's ministry 'Samaritan's Purse.' They will not sponsor me but they said perhaps we could collaborate on free Bible Distribution.

If that works out I may need to simply find funding for food and accomodation and begin cycling around this beautiful country!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

'Bean There' Roastery

Well I got back on the bike today and was pretty powerful.

Once again I was soundly overtaken by a commuter. This is like being a jogger in Kenya where every second person is a long-distance runner.

Before this I had an awesome time at Bean There Roastery and also spent some time with the crazy guys at Injozi. Both groups seemed vaguely supportive of my crazy idea to cycle around South Africa. They're probably just being polite.

I have a touring atlas of South Africa and maps always get me excited for some reason. 'The Cross' book caught me by surprise when the author and his first wife randomly divorced. Should I regret recommending it?

I also sent mail to all my Facbook Group 'Bibles For Africa.' I mentioned my idea to tour to raise money for Bibles for the poor and I already had some interested responses.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

'The Cross'

I did not cycle today but I hope to do so tomorrow.

I gave Ben a packet full of Christmas goodies and he was overjoyed.

I went into BBC and ended up having a long intricate and interesting discussion with Ross and Troy about all aspects of life.

When I got home through hectic traffic I thought I should go swap some games at BTGames. I arrived to find Roger smoking and looking quite forlorn. He chided me for not returning his calls today.

I went to swap the games and they told me they had some strange rule that prevents them swapping games during the last working hour.

I bought the book 'The Cross' by Arthur Blessitt, some beers and a packet of chips and headed to the Cromberges.

We enjoyed a good old-fashioned braai (they had to reheat the meat because I was late) and then watched some Extras episodes.

After this we discussed my touring South Africa idea and enjoyed some folk music and 20 year old Dalwhinnie single malt scotch whisky.

Monday, December 7, 2009


I got back on the bike today and got badly sunburnt. Had severe self-doubt about cycling around my country.

Afterwards had a great swim.

Later Kirsty came around and we headed to BBC to feed the hungry.

It worked out very smoothly without any hitches.

After that we went to Brazen Head and enjoyed a Steelworks and Nachos. Possibly the most delicious mince I have ever eaten there.

Got home and my little brother, James, had his PS3 - an early Christmas present. I am keen to get into some gaming again....

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I had a rest day off the bike today but seriously thought about doing some kind of tour in the future. Peter Cromberge was very supportive and keen to cycle up Sani Pass with me which may be a start.

Kirsty and I headed up to Pretoria today for a Christmas party with some friends of ours.

The traffic on the highway was so bad we got slowed down and arrived about an hour late.

Was great when we got there, playing in the splashpool which was lukewarm.

They also had a trampoline which was under a low tree so instead of bouncing on it I lay on it, relaxing and watching the leaves blowing.

We got back to Joburg too late for church so just watched some of David Attenborough's documentary series 'The Living Planet' and fell asleep.

I woke up and we watched some 'Scrubs' which I am learning to love.

I finished the last 5 minutes of 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' which was pretty ruthless.

Hawaiian Party

I hit the bike today at around midday.

The sun was so unrelenting it sucked my life out of me. It was like riding with a vampire attached to me. I crawled back home to make it about an hour and then rolled into the pool.

Later on Kirsty and I headed out to a great Hawaiian theme party. We rushed to get the food (Woolworths veggie burgers) and drinks (Woolworths ginger ale) and I also got three Urban vests to make it look more authentic. Well, I wanted some vests in my closet anyway and now I have them. I think they'll be great for down at the beach.

However, they really do highlight the state of my body and this is really depressing....

I spoke to fellow cyclist Neil Timm for some time and I mentioned my idea to do some kinda of mammoth cycle trip. He was very excited and knew some people have done similar things for good causes. He even suggested I contact them.

We bounced around some random ideas like cycling around South Africa to raise money for Bibles for the poor or to do the same in Lesotho, commencing and finishing at Sani Pass.

So, I'm not sure if all this confirmation means I need to just do this now. I don't really know how to do this and be away from Kirsty at the same time....

We didn't swim at the party but sat in a hot jacuzzi. Nearly fell asleep from relaxation.

I found I had no energy after getting out into the cool fresh air.

Started watching the film 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' but not sure if it's going to be any good.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Just got back from Killers.

Wow it could've been awesome if not for two morons screaming so loud we couldn't hear the music.

We ended up moving elsewhere but the night was pretty much spoiled already.

I did not ride today. Probably a good idea to not overdo it too quickly.

I'm reading this book and I can't put it down:

It deals with Christians and art and really is inspiring, particularly for aspiring authors. The author is Madeleine L'Engle who wrote the award-winning children's science fantasy book 'A Wrinkle in Time.'

Tomorrow I hope to squeeze in another ride and try not to think about money wasted on tonight's show....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Expensive Money Transfers

Fourth ride in a row!

I think this shows the power of accountability, pride and stubbornness.

Also, I think I was pretty inspired after seeing Danny Spence (my good friend) with cyclists Owen Hannie and Jamie Ball.

I managed over an hour and the heat was extremely draining. I was soaking with sweat by the end of it.

I've started noticing changed in my diet and sleeping habits too. I am hungry for good, healthy food and I find getting up in the morning a lot easier.

I am very disappointed at how medieval the system is for sending funds to another country. I sent some funds to a poor pastor in Uganda to buy Bibles with and about half of it was deducted - and that's just on this side. Who knows what may happen when it finally arrives on his side?

I've been thinking more on my thesis and bouncing around the Imago Dei and the New Covenant. It really is a taxing problem that I find has moments of frustration, anxiety and revelation.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Three in a Row!

Well I really have surprised myself!

Today I rode again for the third day in a row. I handled well and had a lot of power.

I have learned an important lesson about cycling:

The first 30 minutes is hell.

Therefore, A. STRETCH and B. PUSH HARD in that time.

Unfortunately I ended up getting overtaken by a bicycle commuter with a pot plant on his lap. This is not an uncommon experience for me....

Tonight I watched 'Twilight Saga: New Moon.' The theatre was packed on a Wednesday night. I agreed when an old vampire said, 'Let us be done with this.'

I've also been trying to keep up with the whole Tiger Woods saga that is quickly unravelling. This motivates me more than ever to start a website and/or ministry that prays for celebrities to draw near to Christ.

I have taped the film 'Shadowlands' based on the life story of C.S. Lewis and will go watch some of it now before hitting the sack.

Survive the Road

I am amazed I rode again today. My butt was seriously bruised after yesterday.

I rode for just less than an hour and went much further. The heat is so intense that sweat was pouring down from my forehead.

I also should add I've been playing this ludicrously tough and addictive game online:

It's based on the movie and Pulitzer prize-winning novel of the same name written by Cormac McCarthy. Ever since watching 'No Country For Old Men' and reading 'The Road' I've become something of an amateur fan.

So for Christmas in Ballito I've bought myself 'The Border Trilogy' consisting of 'All the Pretty Horses', 'The Crossing' and 'Cities of the Plain.'

I've also asked one of my Father Christmases to get me 'Blood Meridian' which is apparently his masterpiece.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Around Africa On My Bicycle

Yesterday I managed a 40 minute cycle and nearly died. Today there is still a little pain in the netherlands.

It would be great to just stick to it everyday and save myself a lot of frustration and becoming unfit and generally unpleasant.

I still have this lingering dream to cycle around Africa or some epic journey on a bicycle. I should probably read this:

I also have a dream to give each person in Africa a free Bible with my ministry 'Bibles For Africa.'

Perhaps these two can be combined?